Fabric Co.


We carry fabrics from the following companies:
Click on each company to view their fabrics, make a note of the pattern and color you like.
Note: Some fabric companies do not have web sites. Use browser back-arrow to return.
Some furniture we receive to be reupholstered is in fine condition; only the fabric is faded from the sun. So we recover it and clean the finished wood. We also receive furniture in very poor condition, with loose or broken frames, seat springs falling through because of dry-rotted webbing or twines, and dull and scratched legs. In this case, we will completely restore the piece by removing all the old materials. We then tighten the frame, install new webbing, retie the seat springs or replace the rubber straps , whatever the case may be. We clean and condition all the finished wood. We also replace the cushions with the customer's choice of filling.

Cushions play a very important role in the comfort of your furniture. There are several options from which to choose. There are many grades of foam. We use a foam that comes with a 10 year guarantee. We have customers that come to us to replace the foam they have in their cushions with ultra foam. It makes a huge difference in the comfort. Down and feathers are another option. You can get an all down and feather or D&F envelope with a foam insert or spring unit insert for a very comfortable seat.
Couch - Re-upholstery Services in Whitman , MA
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